Online and Remote Learning

Learn where and when you want.

SCS is committed to making learning as accessible as possible both locally and across the globe. We are continuously expanding our list of over 540 online learning opportunities. From languages to accounting, we offer flexible learning opportunities.

Our online courses are instructor-led and delivered through the University of Toronto’s Learning Management Engine – Quercus. Quercus uses weekly, real time modules and has tools for engagement and community building. Course preparation has built in flexibility so you can read, study, and complete assignments on your own time.

You will communicate with your instructors via discussion boards and/or email. Some online courses include live, interactive webinars. If you’re unable to attend the live webinar, you will be able to view a recording of the webinar on your own schedule.

You may also want to investigate funding opportunities available to you on our Financial Assistance page. Your path to lifelong learning is more attainable than you think!

Enterprises today have to protect themselves from risks related to cyber security, including hacking, malware and phishing. In this 12-week hands-on course, you’ll learn how to develop a cyber security strategy and manage it over time. You’ll learn the best practices of modern cyber security and how to integrate your strategy into business functions and life-cycle activities. You’ll explore cyber security architecture, program maintenance and the best evaluation metrics – a full range of content consistent with ISACA’s CISM body of knowledge. Design and develop an effective cyber security strategy. Communicate security standards, policies and procedures. Align cyber security to the enterprise mission and manage programs through business cycles. Establish metrics to evaluate program effectiveness. Get closer to the coveted ISACA CISM certification.
  • Fall - 24
Improve and polish your writing skills as you learn how to report, research and produce digital journalism feature stories. You will be introduced to how, and why, journalists use digital tools and social media to collect and distribute information in feature stories that engage audiences. And you'll produce a project by the end of the course that you can use to showcase what you've learned! Ethical guidelines for interviewing and taking photographs of diverse and sometimes vulnerable subjects will also be discussed, providing insights that are especially useful for writers and communications professionals covering development issues or the Global South. Weekly modules, instructor and class feedback, interactive discussion boards, and self-reflection critiques will all play a role in this learning process. Webinars will include interactive exercises to hone interviewing and writing skills. Gain insights into audience engagement, and how journalists use digital tools such as interactive maps, infographics, and audio/video to help tell and amplify their stories. Learn how to make your storytelling more accessible and visually appealing to reach targeted audiences. Understand practical and ethical considerations and rights issues specific to digital journalism (including photojournalism).
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
This industry-driven course focuses on business writing deliverables and grounds students in the writing process, providing them with strategies to capture the attention of a perpetually distracted audience. We will extend the principles of good writing to the task of structuring and preparing engaging business documents, as well as to creating a professional social media profile. Explore some of the most common errors made in business communications today and learn how to emulate the narrative style of today’s most influential business leaders. If you wish to strengthen your written communication skills and advance in your workplace, or gain a competitive edge in securing a desired role, this course is for you. Organizations wishing to support their employees in sharpening their business writing skills will find this course fits their needs. Understand the writing process and how to plan, draft, edit, and format a business communication. Apply the principles of good writing to all business communications, including narrative and corporate storytelling techniques. Create a compelling online profile. Know how to avoid common grammar, style, and usage errors.
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
  • St. George Campus
Strong writing is the best way to grab the attention of today’s distracted audiences. In this micro course, you’ll learn to sharpen your writing skills, so your work stands out. Whether you’re writing a short blog post or a longer report, you’ll apply principles of good storytelling, avoid common mistakes in usage and grammar, and eliminate repetition and jargon. You’ll learn to plan and execute engaging pieces across all platforms, from eye-catching subject lines to longer work that springs to life. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to: Use the writing process to plan, draft, edit, and format a business communication. Craft compelling email subject lines and messages. Adopt storytelling techniques to write an engaging blog post. Remove jargon and passive writing from your correspondence. Avoid common grammar, style, and usage errors. Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Writing Business Communication
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
Build on your business writing skills in this second-level micro course, designed with industry professionals like you in mind. You’ll learn to structure and execute compelling documents free of common grammar and usage errors. You’ll articulate value propositions that engage your audiences, and apply plain language principles that cut jargon, passive writing and repetition. You’ll use different templates to produce work across a range of platforms, including a professional-level social media profile, all of it compelling and sure to get attention. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to: Create a compelling LinkedIn headline and summary. Use templates to create business deliverables. Prepare a persuasive PowerPoint presentation. Avoid common grammar, style, and usage errors. Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Writing Correspondence Writing for LinkedIn Developing Value Propositions Designing Presentations Creating Business Deliverables
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
Launch or advance your career in records and information management (RIM) with this foundation course. You’ll learn about the latest technologies, practices and tools used to properly create, store and retrieve records and information. You’ll explore core information management concepts that can be applied across an enterprise to make decision-making and operations more efficient. You’ll learn about national and international standards and important governance and compliance issues. You’ll emerge with a fundamental grasp of RIM terminology and technologies that apply to records in hard-copy and electronic formats. Understand the core concepts of managing electronic and physical records and information. Become familiar with national and international best practices and standards. Learn about RIM methodologies, tools and technologies. Examine freedom of information, privacy protection legislation, security, governance and compliance issues.
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
There is more to records and information management than storing and maintaining your organization’s data. In this online micro course, you’ll learn everything from basic concepts of managing paper, digital and media content to current best practices and critical issues in corporate governance. You’ll learn how to collect data and store it properly and establish strategies to assess a current (Records and Information Management) RIM model or develop a new one. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to: Learn basic concepts and definitions related to Records and Information Management. Understand the content and purposes of RIM Best Practices. Understand fundamentals of Information Governance, Roles and Responsibilities. Use basic tools to assess current records and information practices. Collect data to understand the content and use of records. Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Risk Mitigation Electronic Records Lifecycle Management Advocating for RIM Programs Data Collection Assessing RIM Programs
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
No matter what form information comes in, from paper records to digital images, your data must be kept and accessed in full compliance with privacy legislation, other regulations and corporate governance standards. In this online micro course, you’ll learn how to properly organize records, how long they should be kept, how to manage access and protect privacy. You’ll emerge better prepared to handle information with the care it needs. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to: Understand the fundamentals of designing records categorization for organizing records. Understand the life cycle of records from creation to disposal or archiving. Understand the fundamentals of establishing records retention periods to establish how long records should be kept. Learn about records access, protection and security. Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Records Lifecycle Management Records Classification Records Retention Privacy Protection Vital Records Management
  • Winter - 25
As the business world transitions from paper to electronic and digital records, you need to know current best practices and how to apply them in your workplace. In this online micro course, you’ll learn the many options you have to store and maintain important records and images, and how to choose the best for your organization. You’ll learn to transition documents while meeting all requirements and criteria, manage e-mail records and perform other functions you’ll need to ensure the smooth operation of your enterprise. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to: Learn about various media options on which records can be stored and maintained. Learn basic functions of electronic records management systems. Understand requirements and criteria for moving from paper to electronic records. Understand basic requirements to manage email as record. Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Paper Records Management Digital Imaging Quality Assurance Digital Preservation Email Management
  • Fall - 24
Successful organizations need professionals who can actively participate in implementation and operations of strong records and information management programs. This intermediate course takes you deeper into information storage, governance, security and privacy issues. You’ll learn the best ways to classify and retain information. You’ll develop effective risk-assessment policies and procedures. You’ll explore emerging trends in digital preservation, information architecture and Electronic Documents and Records Management (EDRM) systems, across the life cycle management of information. Create functional classification and taxonomies. Adopt and maintain an effective retention schedule. Develop effective risk-assessment policies and procedures. Ensure compliance with relevant local, regional or national legal requirements of RIM practice. Be aware of emerging information management and record-keeping issues.
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25

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