Online and Remote Learning

Learn where and when you want.

SCS is committed to making learning as accessible as possible both locally and across the globe. We are continuously expanding our list of over 540 online learning opportunities. From languages to accounting, we offer flexible learning opportunities.

Our online courses are instructor-led and delivered through the University of Toronto’s Learning Management Engine – Quercus. Quercus uses weekly, real time modules and has tools for engagement and community building. Course preparation has built in flexibility so you can read, study, and complete assignments on your own time.

You will communicate with your instructors via discussion boards and/or email. Some online courses include live, interactive webinars. If you’re unable to attend the live webinar, you will be able to view a recording of the webinar on your own schedule.

You may also want to investigate funding opportunities available to you on our Financial Assistance page. Your path to lifelong learning is more attainable than you think!

If you have learned the fundamentals of records & information management, and are familiar with its tools, standards and practices, this advanced course takes you deeper into development of a strategy and roadmap. The course provides insights you need to develop strong records and information management strategies and successfully implement them. Identification of strategic business drivers, developing and presenting a business case and monitoring its performance with metrics will be covered. Identify components of a RIM roadmap and strategy Develop and present a business case for RIM implementation Apply project management, monitoring and performance measurement of a RIM program Identify business process improvement methodologies in RIM programs Describe and apply change management principles in the context of technology changes, digitization and process improvement
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
Among the foundation stones of Western literature are considered to be Homer’s Iliad about the long siege of Troy, and the Odyssey, the story of one man’s ten-year attempt to return home after Troy. They are oral poems, popularly entertaining tales of heroes, love, conflict and betrayal. Join us as we situate Homer’s two great epics within ancient Greek culture and society, learn Greek mythology, and discover what made these works so widely loved in their day. We'll see how they shaped our sense of literature, both serious and popular today.   Identify the differences between oral narratives and written narratives. Learn about Greek mythology and its influence on western literature and art.                                                                      Contextualize the works within ancient Greek culture and society. Appreciate what made these works so well received in their day. Understand better Homer’s contribution to literature and the novel today.
  • Fall - 24
To succeed in today’s competitive business environment, organizations must not only collect reams of data but glean the most useful insights from this information. In this five-session micro course, you’ll learn to use Python to organize and analyze data and tell compelling stories your customers and stakeholders understand. You’ll plan your own analytics project, using Python to import data, organize it into a data frame and analyze it correctly. You’ll emerge well equipped to apply these methods at work and become a better business storyteller. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to: Plan an analytics project. Apply basic statistical methods. Import data into Python, organize into a data frame and conduct basic analysis. Tell a compelling story with data. Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Python Programming Descriptive Statistics with Python Querying Databases with SQL Data Analytics Data Visualization Business Storytelling with Data
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
  • St. George Campus
If you already know how to use Python to organize and analyze data, this second-level micro course is for you. You’ll learn to apply data cleansing techniques and inferential statistical methods. You’ll develop a clearer understanding of how predictive models can support more informed business decisions, and create one using the insights you pulled. You’ll explore the fascinating world of data visualization and machine learning and emerge with greater confidence in the stories you tell and the data they’re based on. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to: Apply data cleansing techniques to your dataframe. Apply inferential statistical methods. Build a basic predictive model and draw insights. Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Cleaning Data Exploring Data Predictive Modeling Drawing Inferences from Data Assessing Data Quality Data Privacy Data Security
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
  • St. George Campus
This course will equip you with the fundamental machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and techniques for mining and analyzing data, and extracting insights for data-driven decision making. You will learn how to formulate a ML/AI problem, prepare data, build and optimize predictive models using a wide range of algorithms and evaluate the performance of those models. Throughout the course you will use Scikit-learn and TensorFlow hands-on to build applications that learn from data. The Data Science courses are also offered online in partnership with University of Waterloo - WatSPEED.  3586 Machine Learning - ONLINE Note: If you wish to apply the 3586 Machine Learning - ONLINE completed at University of Waterloo - WatSPEED towards the Certificate in Artificial Intelligence at School of Continuing Studies, please follow the Prior Learning Application form on SCS website.   Formulate machine learning and AI problems Learn techniques to pre-process data for modeling  Train generalized predictive classification and regression models Identify clusters in data such as market segments Evaluate and combine models for best performance
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
  • St. George Campus
If you want to achieve greater performance and success in your personal and professional life, this course is for you. You’ll learn how the science, practice and philosophy of mindfulness can reduce stress, enhance emotional intelligence and help you meet your goals. You’ll discover how to use cognitive-based and dialectical-based practices to work with emotions associated with stress, loss and change. You’ll learn practices that incorporate neuroscientific research, competitive advances and trends in athletics, military and executive leadership. Apply mindfulness practices that improve focus, concentration and performance. Use breathing, visualization and other techniques to reduce stress, manage pain and enhance emotional intelligence. Improve your intuition, decision-making and objective reasoning skills. Access “flow states” during performance events and everyday life. Develop greater resilience when dealing with adversity.  
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
This 8-week course will cover the essential ethical, practical and clinical considerations in online counselling. We will focus primarily on these considerations in video counselling along with a week that focuses on text-based work including text-chat and enhanced email. Given recent advances in Artificial Intelligence, we will also explore the implications of these advances for clinical work. The assignment at the course’s end provides participants with an opportunity to design their own online practice, or describe enhancements to their existing practice. Personal feedback will be provided by the instructor to each participant.
  • Fall - 24
The intent of this learning experience is to help you strengthen your own personal and professional contributions in group settings, to lead and develop stronger teams. You’ll learn how mindfulness can improve interpersonal relations, personal accountability, information sharing, productive conflict, support psychological safety and enhance team performance. You’ll also learn practical mindfulness techniques that can be applied in various team settings. Each live, weekly session will combine theory and experiential learning practices including several discussion points to cultivate a team environment amongst participants. Each week will also have a self-directed learning component that will include posting self-reflective assignments to support your understanding of the course content while creating opportunity to engage in on-going discussions to strengthen relationship building and enhance the course’s team environment. By the end of this course, learners will have an increased understanding on: How mindfulness can improve self-awareness and interpersonal communication to strengthen team relationships. The competencies and environments that contribute to team effectiveness. The top two downfalls of teams and how to overcome them. How to lead groups through a mindful pause and at least one additional mindful practice.
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
Learn to apply mindfulness practice to reconciliation and conflict resolution. In this two-day course, you’ll learn to recognize and handle the roots of strong emotions in conflict, and communicate effectively at times of difficulty. You’ll explore the four-step framework of “Beginning Anew”, based on the tradition of scholar, Zen Master and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Thich Nhat Hanh. “Beginning Anew” offers a concrete structure that can be applied to a wide spectrum of daily settings, including workplaces, classrooms and the home. Apply mindfulness processes to reconciliation and conflict management. Identify and handle strong emotions. Develop effective communication tools that help navigate conflict. Integrate mindfulness into your interpersonal relationships. Use language and tools for healthy and sustainable reconciliation.
  • Fall - 24
If you’ve already completed Neuroscience, Mindfulness and Mindfulness Meditation, this two-day workshop will help you build your understanding and skills. You’ll discover how mindfulness meditation enhances specific areas of the brain, and how these changes promote psychological and social well-being. Through lectures, videos and small group discussions, you’ll explore the latest research on neuroscience, neural integration and the many ways it’s enhanced by mindfulness meditation. Explore the latest research findings on mindfulness meditation and the brain. See how mindfulness meditation changes the brain to enhance wellness. Understand neural integration through the lens of interpersonal neurobiology. Discover how mindfulness meditation contributes to neural integration. Emerge with specific strategies to promote well-being and neural integration.
  • Fall - 24

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