Online and Remote Learning

Learn where and when you want.

SCS is committed to making learning as accessible as possible both locally and across the globe. We are continuously expanding our list of over 540 online learning opportunities. From languages to accounting, we offer flexible learning opportunities.

Our online courses are instructor-led and delivered through the University of Toronto’s Learning Management Engine – Quercus. Quercus uses weekly, real time modules and has tools for engagement and community building. Course preparation has built in flexibility so you can read, study, and complete assignments on your own time.

You will communicate with your instructors via discussion boards and/or email. Some online courses include live, interactive webinars. If you’re unable to attend the live webinar, you will be able to view a recording of the webinar on your own schedule.

You may also want to investigate funding opportunities available to you on our Financial Assistance page. Your path to lifelong learning is more attainable than you think!

Passing the Level II exam brings you one step closer to a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) designation. This program was designed by CFA Charterholder Michael Hlinka to help you learn the most important CFA learning outcomes - such as analyzing and valuing investments and managing portfolios - and build your skills and confidence. If you don't pass the first time, you can take the course again at no charge for tuition (a $500 fee will be applied for materials and administrative costs).* Some conditions apply - ask your instructor for details.   Master the learning outcome statements established by the CFA Institute. Understand the material needed to pass the CFA Level II exam. Refine your exam-writing skills. Boost your career options in the worlds of finance and investment.
  • Fall - 24
Your memoir is the story only you can tell. It can be the tale of a life well lived or the story of a year in a Mexican jail. This course is for anyone who wants to write a memoir, whether for publication or simply to record stories for family and friends. You'll learn the skills of writing a memoir, emerge with one or two chapters of your own, and meet a community of writers working in your genre. Choose personal stories that would make good reading. Develop tools and techniques that will help you outline a story. Begin or continue your memoir.
  • Fall - 24
This online self-study course is your starting point for the Certificate in Translation in order to work as a full or part-time translator.  Using modern translation theory, you'll acquire essential tools and develop a strong awareness of the issues that French translators face.  You'll learn how to preserve the meaning, style, syntax and tone of the original text, without being literal, and become proficient in analyzing, understanding and correctly translating complex real-world documents. Learn translation in the fields of law, commerce and literature.  All course materials are available electronically.  You communicate with your instructor electronically and share at least three webinars with the whole class.  Acquire introductory tools for translation. Understand the principles and goals of a high-quality translation. Prepare for upper-level translation courses.
  • Fall - 24
This online self-study course is your starting point for the Certificate in Translation in order to work as a full or part-time translator. Using modern translation theory, you'll acquire essential tools and develop a strong awareness of the issues that Chinese translators face. You'll learn how to preserve the meaning, style, syntax and tone of the original text, without being literal, and become proficient in analyzing, understanding and correctly translating complex real-world documents. Learn translation in the fields of law, commerce and literature. All course materials are available electronically. You communicate with your instructor electronically and share at least three webinars with the whole class.  Acquire introductory tools for translation. Understand the principles and goals of a high-quality translation. Prepare for certificate-level translation courses.
  • Fall - 24
This course is for you if you’ve completed the SCS Korean Level III or have equivalent language skills that include basic grammar and conversation. This course is designed for elementary-level learners (A2 on the CEFR grid). Continue to improve your speaking skills and your ability to handle real-world situations by engaging in-class tasks integrating listening, speaking, reading and writing in a culturally appropriate manner. By course end, you’ll be able to discuss your hobbies, managing everyday conversation such as at restaurants, shopping, and phone calls. Understand the main point of some TV shows when the delivery is clear. Connect phrases in order to describe more complex personal experiences and events. Write personal letters describing your experiences and impressions.
  • Fall - 24
This Level IV course is designed for those who have completed one intermediate level course (Level III) or have equivalent language skills.  You continue to improve your speaking skills and  your ability to handle real-world situations.  By course end, you will be able to relate past, present and future experiences, give explanations, negotiate, and express views and opinions. Become more fluent in oral and written communication in areas of immediate experience. Adhere better to social and cultural etiquette in communications.
  • Fall - 24
Project management skills are essential as they enable organizations to adapt, innovate, and solve business challenges, aligning with their strategic goals and delivering value to customers. In today's dynamic business environment, employers seek proficient project team members and leaders who combine business acumen with practical project management methodologies. This includes a blend of traditional and contemporary approaches such as agile, iterative, incremental, and waterfall, allowing for flexible adaptation to each unique project. Integrating AI into project management, this course offers practical exercises and collaborative opportunities to master key strategies, processes, and tools. Participants will learn to leverage AI technologies to enhance project planning, execution, and monitoring, ensuring more efficient and effective project outcomes. By understanding the fundamentals of project management, along with AI applications, you'll gain the skills necessary to drive success and achieve excellence in your projects. Whether aspiring to become a professional project manager or enhancing your current role with these critical skills, this course is your starting point towards mastering the art of project management in the digital age. •    Evaluate the advantages of different approaches (agile, traditional, hybrid) to implement projects •    Design initiation documents that include all necessary elements •    Create project scope, schedule, cost baselines, and product and sprint backlog with a release plan •    Identify and analyze project stakeholders and their communication needs •    Identify, analyze, and formulate responses to project risks •    Manage project quality, change, and close projects successfully •    Apply key project management tools, techniques, and processes, including AI 
  • Fall - 24
  • St. George Campus
Learn the fundamentals of writing for television. You'll work individually and in groups to explore the essential building blocks of the one-hour dramatic television series, structure, story and character, as you develop your own series concept. You'll learn how to pitch a plot synopsis with a strong emotional hook, construct a story, develop a beat sheet that highlights major dramatic moments, and write compelling scenes for the small screen. Understand the essential building blocks of television drama. Collaborate on scripts the way story departments do. See what's involved in moving an idea through the industry into production. Create a logline - a plot synopsis and emotional hook - as well as a beat sheet and an outline. Write scenes for your own episodic series.
  • Fall - 24
If you’re ready to take your spoken English to a higher level – where you feel comfortable expressing opinions, arguing positions and making presentations – this 10-week interactive course is for you. You’ll improve your fluency and accuracy, so you feel more confident when speaking to others. You’ll develop speaking and listening skills in a relaxed group setting and learn to apply them outside the classroom. You’ll emerge with a set of skills designed to help you speak more naturally and comfortably. Participate more effectively in small-group discussions. Use the right grammar and vocabulary in different social situations. Apply language skills to debate, argue, defend and justify opinions. Make convincing arguments in business meetings and other settings. Prepare and deliver clear presentations using organized templates.
  • Fall - 24
This course focuses on making you a more effective project leader. Project management is a combination of art and science. The focus is on your leadership style – working with project teams, managing stakeholder politics, resolving team conflict and embracing change management. Leadership can be a huge factor between project success and failure and this course covers the relevant leadership elements required to succeed in the art of project management. The course will provide students with a thorough understanding and how you as a leader can transform yourself and reach a greater level of project management maturity. Build, lead, and manage project teams effectively and ethically Analyze the project and organization characteristics, culture and maturity to achieve project success Design and implement approaches to effectively communicate with and engage stakeholders Understand implications and manage organizational change in connection with your project Apply insights about leadership practices gained from industry practitioners through a team project
  • Fall - 24

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