Online and Remote Learning

Learn where and when you want.

SCS is committed to making learning as accessible as possible both locally and across the globe. We are continuously expanding our list of over 540 online learning opportunities. From languages to accounting, we offer flexible learning opportunities.

Our online courses are instructor-led and delivered through the University of Toronto’s Learning Management Engine – Quercus. Quercus uses weekly, real time modules and has tools for engagement and community building. Course preparation has built in flexibility so you can read, study, and complete assignments on your own time.

You will communicate with your instructors via discussion boards and/or email. Some online courses include live, interactive webinars. If you’re unable to attend the live webinar, you will be able to view a recording of the webinar on your own schedule.

You may also want to investigate funding opportunities available to you on our Financial Assistance page. Your path to lifelong learning is more attainable than you think!

Latin was the first language of the Church and the law. Some of Western culture's finest poetry was written in Latin. This course will help you expand your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary that you learned in Level I. You'll strengthen your Latin reading and translation skills to better understand the original texts of some of Rome's greatest authors. Understand moderately complex Latin sentences and translate them into English. Use all Latin case forms and most verb tenses.
  • Winter - 25
This course builds on the skills you acquired in Levels I and II. It's for you if you are ready to increase your vocabulary and the complexity of your grammar. You'll learn how to narrate a simple story in Modern Standard Arabic and how to describe your travels, take part in financial transactions and place complex telephone calls. Transliteration is used minimally in this course: you are encouraged to read and write in Arabic. To determine if Arabic (Modern Standard) Level III is the right fit for you, please take a moment to complete our Modern Standard Arabic Entry Level Self-Assessment. Narrate simple personal stories in Modern Standard Arabic. Participate in real-life situations. Enrich your reading and writing skills.
  • Fall - 24
If you've completed 0587 German: Level I or have the equivalent skills, this course builds on those basics. You'll learn how to express more complex and subtle thoughts using more difficult grammar and idioms. Guided by your instructor, you'll be able to participate in social events at a basic level, giving simple instructions and directions and describing people and places in a simple way. Gain deeper exposure to German culture through the language. Expand your German vocabulary. Learn more complex grammatical structures. Express simple original thoughts. Understand the social and cultural etiquette of German conversation.
  • Winter - 25
If you've completed Level I or have equivalent language skills, this course continues your introduction to spoken and written Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin). Gain confidence speaking in practical, professional and classroom settings, learn more grammar and understand more about cultural etiquette. You'll feel more comfortable with numbers, measurements, specification, quantification, modification and prices. Handle more transactions, whether in restaurants or business meetings, and learn more about Chinese culture. Understand and use correct grammar, syntax and vocabulary in more complex everyday conversation. Learn more about the components of Chinese characters and their role in the characters' pronunciation and meaning.
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
If you've completed 0588 Italian: Level I or have equivalent grammar and conversation skills, this course will build on that foundation. Through role-playing, simulations and other exercises you'll continue to build your essential vocabulary and your knowledge of structures, idioms and cultural etiquette. You'll be better able to take part in social events and discussions, asking and answering simple questions about immediate needs and familiar topics. You'll also develop language skills to enrich your travel or culinary studies. Understand and use appropriate grammar, syntax and vocabulary in simple everyday conversation.
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
If you've completed 1016 Italian: Level II or have equivalent skills, this course will strengthen your foundation in grammar and conversation. You'll build your essential vocabulary and your knowledge of structures, idioms and cultural etiquette. Through role-playing and other exercises, learn how to handle short social exchanges, discuss your work and shop. You'll develop language skills to enrich travel in Italy, culinary studies, opera and other cultural appreciation. Use appropriate grammar, syntax and vocabulary in everyday situations. Adhere to the social and cultural etiquette of the language.
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
This Level II course has been designed for students who have completed an introductory course in Turkish or who have equivalent language skills, including basic grammar and conversation. Through role-playing and simulations of everyday interactions, you will learn essential vocabulary, structures, idioms and cultural etiquette. Students who enrol in this course are not yet able to communicate simple directions, such as how to go from home to work. By course end, however, you will be able to participate in social events at a basic level, give simple instructions and directions, describe people and places, and exchange information and points of view. Understand and use appropriate grammar, syntax and vocabulary speaking in everyday situations
  • Winter - 25
No prior knowledge is needed to join this class in Cantonese. It's the starting point for anyone who wants to speak the language. This course prepares you by grounding you in the sounds, tones, grammatical structures and idioms that you need to carry on very simple conversations. Classes help you learn to greet people and ask for and give basic information. Begin to use appropriate grammar, syntax and vocabulary in simple everyday conversation about yourself, your family and your immediate surroundings. Distinguish the tones of the Cantonese language.
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
  • St. George Campus
Improve your professional speaking skills – and your chances of success in the workplace – with this 10-week course. You’ll develop and practise business presentation skills so you can contribute more at meetings, conferences, networking sessions and other corporate events. You’ll build greater confidence through individual work, group interaction and feedback from your peers and instructor. You’ll learn to express yourself more clearly and concisely whether speaking in impromptu situations or making well-planned presentations. Expect about three hours of homework a week. Speak with increased confidence in all professional settings. Participate more in business meetings and other events. Draw notice with more effective presentations. Build confidence, networking abilities and business relationships. Express yourself more clearly and concisely.
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
  • St. George Campus
Build your language skills at work, home and elsewhere with this 10-week course. You’ll learn to speak English more accurately and eliminate common errors that obstruct even the best ideas. You’ll adopt and refine strategies that help you express yourself more clearly in personal and professional situations. You’ll take part in group discussions, make brief presentations and get valuable feedback from your peers and instructor. You’ll also review sentence-level grammar structures that present problems for both native and non-native speakers. Communicate more clearly in personal and professional situations. Reduce common grammatical errors that obstruct understanding. Probe your strengths and weaknesses so you know what needs improvement. Apply specific strategies to monitor, correct and improve your spoken English. Understand verb tenses, conditional structures, the function of questions, and other grammatical structures.
  • Fall - 24
  • Winter - 25
  • St. George Campus

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