Online and Remote Learning

Learn where and when you want.

SCS is committed to making learning as accessible as possible both locally and across the globe. We are continuously expanding our list of over 540 online learning opportunities. From languages to accounting, we offer flexible learning opportunities.

Our online courses are instructor-led and delivered through the University of Toronto’s Learning Management Engine – Quercus. Quercus uses weekly, real time modules and has tools for engagement and community building. Course preparation has built in flexibility so you can read, study, and complete assignments on your own time.

You will communicate with your instructors via discussion boards and/or email. Some online courses include live, interactive webinars. If you’re unable to attend the live webinar, you will be able to view a recording of the webinar on your own schedule.

You may also want to investigate funding opportunities available to you on our Financial Assistance page. Your path to lifelong learning is more attainable than you think!

Unleash the power of data science in the realm of self-driving laboratories. This remote, asynchronous course empowers you to apply data science concepts to materials discovery tasks. You’ll create Bayesian optimization scripts, explore advanced optimization topics, and adapt templates to create an advanced optimization setup for a materials discovery task. Topics will include multi-objective, constrained, high-dimensional, multi-fidelity, batch, asynchronous, and domain-aware Bayesian optimization. Additionally, you’ll learn to share your findings by uploading datasets to a data repository, creating benchmark models, and hosting models on data science platforms. This course is presented in partnership with the Acceleration Consortium at the University of Toronto. This is an online, self-directed course, and you can work through the modules at your own pace. You can expect to complete the course in a month but have up to 1 year to complete it. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to: Describe and categorize a materials discovery task using data science language and concepts Customize a Bayesian optimization script to systematically identify the optimal chocolate chip cookie recipe, demonstrating practical application of optimization techniques Evaluate and select an advanced optimization setup that is best suited for a specific materials discovery task, showcasing critical analysis and decision-making skills Develop and execute a program to upload a dataset to a public database, construct a benchmark model, and deploy it online, illustrating proficiency in data sharing and model hosting Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Data science literacy Bayesian optimization Advanced Bayesian optimization Workflow orchestration Benchmarking
  • Spring/Summer - 24
Many people aspire to become top performers, but only a few succeed. In this course, you’ll discover proven principles and strategies to help you develop a more collaborative thinking style and growth mindset. You’ll use attentive listening to increase self-awareness and demonstrate your commitment to participation and positivity. You’ll build relationships so you can assess needs, map resources, leverage feedback and handle adversity. By choosing to embrace failure, you’ll increase your chances for success while learning to manage your reputation. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to: Recognize opportunities for self awareness through attentive listening Choose to embrace failure Demonstrate a commitment to participation Assess needs and mapping resources effectively Design processes for valuing contributions Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Empathy Positivity Social Consciousness Relationship Building Collaboration
  • Fall - 24
  • Fall - 25
Conflict is inevitable in business. In this interactive course, you’ll learn how to turn that from a negative into a catalyst for positive change. You’ll use group exercises and role-play to become more adaptable and approach conflict more effectively. You’ll explore best practices in communication that strengthen your leadership and negotiation skills. You’ll emerge better equipped to coach employees, analyze the needs of diverse audiences, and create effective and inclusive narratives that persuade them to see your point of view. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to: Recognize and chart observations for delegation Develop strong diction, tone and vocal variance Analyze audiences with diverse needs and/or backgrounds Design effective and agile narrative structures Define and prioritize objectives in preparation for negotiation Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Coaching Persuasion Inclusion Storytelling Conflict Management
  • Winter - 25
To succeed in today’s world of unprecedented disruption, leaders must be prepared to exit the comfort zone. In this course, you’ll learn how to harness your imagination and play your way to success. You’ll apply proven strategies that generate ideas, spark creative thinking and drive productivity. You’ll solve problems by defining their parameters and goals and applying the power of logical reasoning and critical thinking. You’ll enhance your data-management skills to increase perspective, perform effective searches and make better decisions. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to: Demonstrate an ability to imagine, and play Understand the process and power of logical reasoning Explain your choices in processing information Perform effective searches using diverse sources Define the parameters and goals of the problem Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Creativity Critical Thinking Data Driven Decision Making Digital Literacy Problem Solving
  • Fall - 24
  • Fall - 25
Need to rally your troops to new heights? In this fast, focused course, you’ll learn how to engage and manage employees and better align their efforts with organizational strategy. You’ll work on talent selection and development, performance coaching and team-building models that embrace accountability, reduce conflict and amp up commitment. You’ll identify and define leadership styles, evaluate attitude and effort and produce processes that drive change. You’ll become more adept at creating organizational efficiency, defining team values and measuring performance. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to: Identify and define various leadership styles Evaluate attitude and effort in relation to goals Produce processes that drive change Design effective timelines for organizational efficiency Define team values for effective performance measurement Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Team Engagement Talent Management Cultural Curation Project Management Accountability
  • Spring/Summer - 25
Leaders can only achieve great results through the efforts of others. In this course, you’ll discover how to create a culture that fosters cooperation and promotes personal and team success. You’ll learn how to manage the diverse and complex world of human performance by supporting behaviours that cultivate trust. You’ll increase workplace collaboration by developing opportunities to share and value collective insights. You’ll create a reflective practice built on turn-taking and self-regulation and the ability to see problems as opportunities. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to: Recognize the importance of turn taking and self-regulation Justify the need to see problems as opportunities Construct a culture that fosters cooperation Support behaviours that cultivate trust Develop opportunities to share / value collective insights Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Empathy Positivity Social Consciousness Relationship Building Collaboration
  • Fall - 24
  • Fall - 25
The one predictable thing in business in unpredictability. When every interpersonal encounter can turn on a dime, you have to be able to effectively communicate and respond to the needs of your team. In this course, you’ll explore motivational factors, reinforcements and employee-centred approaches that generate extraordinary results. You’ll learn how to engage employees at times of fear and uncertainty, increasing your comfort level and theirs. You’ll acquire greater negotiation skills and be better able to deal with diverse audiences. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to: Formulate intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation techniques Demonstrate body gestures and positioning for maximum engagement Choose content and style that accounts for diverse audiences Define the problem for maximum audience resonance Understand options for an effective negotiation process Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Coaching Persuasion Inclusion Storytelling Conflict Management
  • Winter - 25
In today’s world of global competition, successful organizations need highly effective teams that can solve internal and external problems and execute corporate strategy. In this course, you’ll learn how to overcome multi-generational differences, competing priorities and personal agendas. You’ll discover ways to collect, distil, and leverage data insights and deliver creative, logic-driven decisions that are aligned to defined goals. You’ll combine and connect ideas and information with purpose, while learning how to characterize and categorize online sources using proper citations. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to:                      Combine, cluster, connect different ideas and information with purpose Assess the value of inductive vs. deductive logic processes Analyse and interpret diverse data for a defined goal Characterize and categorize online sources using proper citations Prototype solutions given situational constraints Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Creativity Critical Thinking Data Driven Decision Making Digital Literacy Problem Solving
  • Winter - 25
It takes a special type of leader to inspire people in today's multi-generational, displaced, mobile, and culturally diverse environment. In this course, you’ll prepare to be an authentic leader who delivers superior strategic results. You’ll learn how to engage teams, manage talent and create a culture of goal-setting and accountability. You’ll compare motivational strategies and discover how to build an environment that supports agility. You’ll discover how to leverage communal spaces, and document and defend processes related to organizational culture. Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs. By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to: Compare the efficacy of various motivational strategies Develop talent-focused hiring / selection tools Design a built environment that supports agility Create regular expectation, goal, and fear setting protocols Document and defend processes related to organizational culture Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include: Team Engagement Talent Management Cultural Curation Project Management Accountability
  • Winter - 25

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