Online and Remote Learning

Learn where and when you want.

SCS is committed to making learning as accessible as possible both locally and across the globe. We are continuously expanding our list of over 540 online learning opportunities. From languages to accounting, we offer flexible learning opportunities.

Our online courses are instructor-led and delivered through the University of Toronto’s Learning Management Engine – Quercus. Quercus uses weekly, real time modules and has tools for engagement and community building. Course preparation has built in flexibility so you can read, study, and complete assignments on your own time.

You will communicate with your instructors via discussion boards and/or email. Some online courses include live, interactive webinars. If you’re unable to attend the live webinar, you will be able to view a recording of the webinar on your own schedule.

You may also want to investigate funding opportunities available to you on our Financial Assistance page. Your path to lifelong learning is more attainable than you think!

In today's competitive world, good business decisions must be based on accurate statistical analysis. If you can gather, correctly interpret and present compelling data, you can help your organization improve operational processes, increase revenues, direct new developments and retain valued customers. In this course, you'll learn the essential techniques for describing and measuring data and understanding probability concepts. You'll also explore standard sampling methods and hypothesis testing, linear regression, correlation, time series and forecasting. Understand essential statistical concepts and techniques that lead to better decision-making and superior investment analysis. Describe, measure and present quantitative data according to frequency, location and dispersion. Recognize and apply useful probability concepts. Become fluent in formal statistical sampling methods and their application.
  • Fall - 25
  • Spring/Summer - 25
Cash flow and cost of capital are important factors when making investment decisions. In this course you'll learn the essential tools for performing corporate financial management and analysis. Topics include the cost of capital, capital budgeting, cash flow estimation, the impact of leverage, optimal capital structure, dividend policy and more advanced financial statement analysis within the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) conceptual framework. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of different capital budgeting methods. Distinguish and measure project risks. Recognize types of capital structure and which ones are optimal in specific applications. Identify factors that affect a company's capital structure decisions. Analyze financial statements for performance measurement and decision-making in specific areas such as inventories, long-term capitalization assets, depreciation and impairment, income taxes, financing liabilities and off-balance-sheet debt.
  • Fall - 25
This course is useful for professionals in the investment industry, from private investors to pension fund consultants to portfolio managers. You'll learn how to use asset-valuation tools for a range of assets, including equity, debt, derivative markets, real estate and venture capital. The course also covers the principles of merging different investments into portfolio management, including investment-setting, investment policy and asset allocation. Understand investment vehicles as well as the organization and functioning of various securities markets. Develop investment policy statements for private clients and derive asset allocations. Apply security valuation techniques using a dividend discount model, discounted cash flow and multiples. Produce economic and industry analyses. Analyze and learn the basics of futures, options and swaps markets as well as portfolio management and common asset-pricing models.
  • Fall - 25
Improve your pronunciation so people can understand you better. After your speaking ability is individually assessed, you'll develop the speech awareness and skills to make sure you're understood clearly. Course techniques include recordings, partner work, group activities and one-on-one instructor feedback. Your speech will become clearer, more fluent and easier to understand. You'll improve your enunciation of individual sounds, intonation, stress patterns, pace and pausing. Expect up to two hours of homework a week. Identify individual strengths, problems and specific solutions.Improve your vowels, consonants, diphthongs and syllable stress.Improve timing, rhythm, linking, intonation and sentence stress.Discover resources that can improve your pronunciation.Learn to monitor your own speech.
  • Fall - 25
  • Spring/Summer - 25
  • St. George Campus
Latin was the first language of the Church and the law courts. Some of Western culture's finest poetry was written in Latin. This course will help you begin to read Latin, with no prior knowledge required. It emphasizes translation from Latin into English. You'll learn basic sentence structure so you can begin to study style. By the course's end, you should be able to read the texts of some of Rome's greatest authors in their language. Understand basic Latin sentence structure.Translate basic Latin sentences into English.Use five Latin case forms and three verb tenses.
  • Fall - 25
This Introductory course assumes no knowledge of the language.  We focus on speaking using simple grammatical structures through intensive class participation.  You’ll engage in role-playing with the help of your instructor. You’ll receive specific attention to learn the phonological system.  By course end, you’ll be able to participate in everyday situations, using appropriate greetings, requesting and giving information, expressing likes and dislikes, giving opinions and relating present events.   Speak and understand full sentences about simple everyday situations using correct grammar, syntax and vocabulary. Begin to imitate Brazilian pronunciation. Begin to understand the logic of Portuguese sentences and tenses.
  • Fall - 25
Learning to speak Japanese opens new cultural and business opportunities and is considered a show of goodwill in Japan. This introductory course uses intensive class participation to teach you simple grammar and phonetics. With no prior knowledge of Japanese, you'll learn to use greetings and request and give information about your immediate surroundings. To determine your Japanese language level, please take a moment to complete our Japanese Placement Exercise before registering. Begin to pronounce Japanese clearly. Master some simple phrases about yourself and your family. Recognize Hiragana characters.
  • Fall - 25
  • Spring/Summer - 25
  • St. George Campus
Speaking better Spanish can help you do business in Latin America or Spain, or make travel there more fun. This course is for you if you've already completed 0593 Spanish: Level II or possess the equivalent language skills. Building on what you know, you'll learn to express more complex and subtle thoughts that demand a higher grasp of grammar and idiom. Through role-playing and other exercises, learn how to handle short social exchanges, discuss your work and shop. Express original thoughts using an expanded vocabulary and more complex grammar. Learn some of the social and cultural etiquette of conversations in Spanish.
  • Fall - 25
  • Spring/Summer - 25
  • St. George Campus
This course will give you a solid introduction to speaking, reading and writing Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin). Even with no previous background in the language, you'll learn how to greet Chinese people and have simple exchanges in business and other settings. You'll learn Chinese characters, grasp the elements of pronunciation, explore culture, and talk about daily life using the 20 most important verbs. Begin to use appropriate grammar, syntax and vocabulary in simple everyday conversation about yourself, your family and your immediate surroundings. Understand the basic of how Chinese characters are formed, in full-form and simplified versions. Appreciate the pronunciation of Mandarin and its tonal character.
  • Fall - 25
  • Spring/Summer - 25
  • St. George Campus
You don't need any prior knowledge of Spanish to take this course. You'll start with simple grammar and phonetics and engage in role-playing and exercises that help you learn the basics of conversational Spanish. You'll be able to greet people, request and give information about your immediate surroundings, express simple likes and dislikes and describe where you live and people you know. Begin to use appropriate grammar, syntax and vocabulary in everyday situations. Form simple sentences in Spanish about yourself and your family. Pronounce Spanish clearly.
  • Fall - 25
  • Spring/Summer - 25
  • St. George Campus

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