Digging into Data: Marketing Consultant Explores Data Science

Digging into Data: Marketing Consultant Explores Data Science


“I’m using my new abilities to continue to grow my business…Augmenting my marketing skills with data science has really expanded my portfolio of work, and I’m determined to continually improve.” - Jordan Stevens, SCS learner

After years in the audio branding industry, Jordan Stevens made the move to pursue a career in marketing. Having built a successful business as a freelance digital marketing consultant, he was eager to take his skills to the next level. “I saw how important data analytics was in successful marketing, and identified this as an area where I really wanted to grow my skills,” recalls Jordan. “I did my research, and decided to pursue a Data Science Certificate at the School of Continuing Studies (SCS) to compliment my marketing skills. I liked that the certificate offered a diverse curriculum in programming, machine learning, and AI.”

Jordan chose to attend in-class courses, but when the pandemic hit and classes quickly shifted online, he was faced with a unique set of challenges. “I’ve always had hearing loss, and recently experienced a drop in my hearing. So, in addition to shifting to an online format, I needed closed captioning and screen readers. There was a real sense of uncertainty as to how my hearing needs would be supported,” he says. Jordan connected with his instructors, and worked with them to outline his accessibility needs. “My instructors quickly adapted and set up closed captioning. We had an open line of communication, and I was able to make suggestions and experiment with new strategies. It was important for me to be able to connect with my instructors about my needs, and we overcame challenges together,” he recalls. “I had a positive online learning experience, and appreciated the flexibility of the courses. My peers were from many different industries, so it was interesting to hear from their diverse perspectives.”

Jordan, who recently earned his Data Science Certificate and was awarded a Marilyn Booth Award of Excellence from SCS, says that his new skills help him in his consulting work on a daily basis. “I’ve gained new perspectives on data. For instance, when I look at Search Engine Optimization (SEO) data, I now have a strong capacity to interpret information and implement strategies. I’m also able to use my new analysis and statistical skills to enhance web performance, and predict sales trends for clients,” he says. Jordan has also developed a healthy skepticism of data and AI tools, and can objectively look at studies and assess how effective AI offerings are. “I’m using my new abilities to continue to grow my business, and take on more data science projects. Augmenting my marketing skills with data science has really expanded my portfolio of work, and I’m determined to continually improve,” says Jordan. “It sounds so simple, but you truly get out of continuing education what you put into it; give it the time and effort, and you will reap the benefits.”

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