Pursuing a Passion; New Canadian Mohammad Dahleh Delves into Finance

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“Figure out what drives you, what you are passionate about, and then explore educational opportunities. You are never too old, and it is never too late to learn new skills. I am 54, and just starting a whole new career in a new country! Putting myself out there and committing to learning was the best thing I ever did.” - Mohammad Dahleh, SCS learner.

When Mohammad Dahleh immigrated to Canada from Jordan, he was eager to use this fresh start as an opportunity to explore the world of finance. While his background was in computer and electrical engineering, he had always loved math and held a keen interest in finance and the stock market. “Coming to Canada felt like it was the right time to make a shift and really explore my passion,” says Mohammad. “I knew that continuing education would be the key to making this leap, and I trusted the School of Continuing Studies (SCS) to be my guide. I just went for it!” 

Mohammad dove head-first into the realm of finance, earning three certificates—Financial Analysis, Financial Analysis and Investment Management, and Financial Trading and Option Strategies—in only a couple years. With this solid foundation, he then decided to pursue his Canadian Securities Course (CSC®) credential, and again turned to SCS to support his efforts. “I wanted to be fully prepared for the exam, so I registered for Passing the Canadian Securities Course Exam in September 2019,” explains Mohammad. This intensive course, developed by SCS instructor Michael Hlinka, gives learners the opportunity to prepare for—and pass—both Volume I and Volume II of the CSC® exam within four months. “The course was such a worthwhile investment,” says Mohammad. “Michael is extremely experienced, the materials were very detailed, and the quizzes really helped me think critically and prepare for the two-part exam.”

His time was well spent; Mohammad passed both exams on his first try, and attributes this success to hard work and his learning experience at SCS. “Michael really pushed us. I also had a positive relationship with my classmates; we helped one another and studied together. That peer support was invaluable,” recalls Mohammad. “Earning three certificates at SCS, and completing the test preparation course, was the perfect way for me to explore a new industry and examine next steps for my career. As someone new to Canada, SCS was a welcoming and supportive space to learn and grow, and envision possibilities for my new life in Canada.”

Equipped with his new finance skills and CSC® credential, Mohammad’s next goal is to become a financial advisor. “Continuing education changed my life; I can’t imagine not taking these courses. Coming to Canada was the push I needed to pursue my dreams,” says Mohammad. “Figure out what drives you, what you are passionate about, and then explore educational opportunities. You are never too old, and it is never too late to learn new skills. I am 54, and just starting a whole new career in a new country! Putting myself out there and committing to learning was the best thing I ever did.”

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