1701 - Writing the Novel II
About this course
If you're in the novel stream of the Certificate in Creative Writing, this workshop is the second step. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the novel form and have the beginning of your novel critiqued by your instructor and your peers. Each class will focus on excerpts from one or two works-in-progress. Each class will also discuss at least one significant aspect of the novel-writing process, such as beginnings, endings, language, setting and characters.
What you'll learn
- Get constructive criticism that can help improve your work-in-progress.
- Understand the structure and method of novel writing.
- Revise and polish sections of your novel based on feedback.
Full Section Details
We currently have 4 Section(s) in 1701 - Writing the Novel II
Section 090
Spring/Summer - 25
- Online
- Ibi Kaslik, B.A., M.A., Writer
Section 089
Spring/Summer - 25
- In Class
- St. George Campus
Section 092
Fall - 25
- Online
Section 091
Fall - 25
- In Class
- St. George Campus