The EDUCAFIN Scholarship Program partnership


"It’s encouraging to see international learners so eager to advance their English skills, and we are honoured to be a part of their learning journey." - Lisa Morgan, Director, ELP and International Initiatives

SCS is excited to celebrate our partnership with The EDUCAFIN Scholarship Program, a decentralized initiative from the Guanajuato government in central Mexico, that pursues international professionalization for young university grads. Eligible learners who enter the program can choose to study in our English Language Program (ELP) to improve their English language skills and prepare for graduate studies. 

The EDUCAFIN Scholarship Program is a unique pilot that is inspiring other states in Mexico to pursue similar initiatives. “SCS and ELP are so pleased to be a part of this exciting collaboration” says Lisa Morgan, Director of our English Language Program (ELP) and International Initiatives. “It’s encouraging to see international learners so eager to advance their English skills, and we are honoured to be a part of their learning journey.”

Today, along with the School of Graduate Studies and the Office of the Vice-President, International, we will be hosting a barbeque to recognize this important partnership. “Our team at ELP looks forward to discovering future collaborations with international programs that share our passion for language education,” says Lisa Morgan. “Congratulations to all our EDUCAFIN learners who display an admiral commitment to lifelong learning.”

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